Our next retreat – 12/4/18 – 14/4/18
About our Yoga and Meditation healing Silence Retreat:
Join us for a journey to the secrets and magic of awakening through the practice of Yoga Dharma and Mindfulness Meditation in the beautiful surrounding of the Arava desert.
Through Mindfulness we aim to experience and inquire the relation between body, mind and breath, the way they influence and mirror one another, and to open ourselves to our senses, feelings and mental movements, through all daily activities.
The Yoga Dharma practice is approached from the Iyengar yoga method and meditation sessions are guided with basic instructions in mindfulness meditation.
During the retreat we will keep most of the time in silence for the quiescence and serenity of the mind, and for raising our sense of perception and sensitivity. We'll be close to mother earth, nurtured by the wind, the sun and the loving peaceful space, and eat healthy vegetarian organic food.
The Yoga practice will be approached from the Iyengar tradition and classic Hatha yoga.
The meditation sessions will be guided with basic instructions in Mindfulness meditation for the purpose of developing calmness of mind, focusing on bringing meditation into our daily life – our actions, our feelings and our thoughts.
The workshop is suitable for everyone, beginners and experienced yoga and meditators, and for Hebrew and English speakers.

About the teacher: Anat Zahor
Anat the founder of Yoga Dharma School where she teaches yoga and meditation. She conducts teachers training courses and certifies her students to teach Yoga Dharma.
Anat has been practicing since the early 1980's, Yoga, Tai Chi-Chuan, Chi Kung, Taoism and Buddhism. In the early 90's she joined her first S.N Goenka, Vipassana meditation retreat, and since then Buddhism has become her way of life.
Anat is a certified Iyengar yoga teacher since 1999, she studied with B. K. S. Iyengar and various senior teachers around the world, also visited the RIYMI center in Pune several times to learn from the Iyengar family.
About the location: Lev Hamidbar in Tzokim, Arava Desert:
A Hosting desert compound located in the south of the settlement Tzokim, in the Central Arava. The complex is spread over approximately 32 acres, overlooking the breathtaking view and includes a number of components that provide a simple and comfortable stay, with lots of space, tranquility and silence. See location in Google maps.

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